
Local Governing Body

The Rainbow Multi Academy Trust is committed to maintaining the unique nature of all of the schools within the Trust and believes this is best achieved by giving a clear mandate to Local Governing Bodies to be the drivers of school improvement.

The Trust gives these Local Governing Bodies the freedoms to focus on the challenge and support for the improvements in teaching and learning and the curriculum by ensuring the synergies of belonging to a trust allow statutory obligations to be dealt with centrally. This, coupled with the defined role of the senior leaders within the schools setting enables the Head of School to deal exclusively with the day-to-day management of the individual school; the burden of Finances, Resources and Personnel issues are dealt with by the CEO and the Central Administrative Team. This freedom gives the leader in the school the maximum time and resources to effectively engage with all stakeholders and manage the schools effectively on a day-to-day basis.
If you wish to make contact with the Local Governing Body, contact the clerk, Jane Batchelor - lad-secretary@rainbowacademy.org.uk
If you would like to contact our chair of the Local Governing Body - Andrew Nicholson, his email address is anicholson@rainbowacademy.org.uk
Mr Andrew Nicholson

Chair of the Ladock/Veryan Local Governing Body

Mrs Rachel Carbis

Vice Chair of the Local Governing Body - Safeguarding Governor (Foundation)

Mrs Mary Stevenson

Community Governor

Mr John Parr


Mrs Caroline Jarrett

Governor - Head of Veryan

Mr Tom Hobbs

Head - Ladock School

Miss Clare Green

Staff Governor - Teacher