
St Ladoca Class (LKS2)

Welcome to Ladoca class!
Our Y3/4 team are Mrs Tringham, Mrs Whitelegg and our teaching assistant is Mrs Minter, on Wednesday afternoons, Mr Hobbs, our Head of School, teaches in Ladoca covering teacher PPA time.
Our classroom is situated away from the main school site in the Victorian classroom next to Ladock church. 
We follow the National Curriculum and we have developed our own Rainbow Curriculum to cover the Year 3 and 4 Curriculum and to interest the children.
Mrs Janine Tringham


I have always enjoyed books, ever since I was small. I remember always asking for Mervin Mouse, a small Ladybird book, about a mouse who lost his tale and replaced it with an elastic band. My favourite thing was when my mum would do different voices. As a result, I love reading books aloud and I also do all the voices; the children in my class tell me they love it when I read to them and my little girl will ask again and again for the books I always use funny voices in.

I grew to love books more and more, as I started to discover them for myself. I enjoy the worlds they can pull you into and through reading I have travelled across the world and through history, and all from the comfort of a cosy chair. My daughter and I have recently discovered the Tom Fletcher books and love them. She likes the ‘There’s a … in book’ series and I loved ‘The Creakers’; as a child I would have loved the idea of waking up to world with no adults! See books can help you to imagine anything!

PE lessons are on  Wednesdays and Fridays.

Homework is posted through Class Dojo on a Friday afternoon and due for submission the following Thursday. This will include a maths task, a literacy, spellings and a pick and mix selection for the other areas of the curriculum.  

Our home reading is focused around the Accelerated Reader scheme.

We follow the Year 3 and 4 White Rose Scheme for maths. This allows us to follow the small steps required to become great mathematicians. There is also daily fluency practice for the key skills such as addition and subtraction and we are getting prepared for our Times check at the end of Year 4.
We use a text based approach to our literacy, engaging children through a story to inspire our writing. This allows us to explore the different elements of SPAG and the skills needed to become great writers.
We do daily, whole class guided reading, where we focus in on one of the reading VIPERS for the week. (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieve and Summarise). This takes a similar format each week, so that the children are familiar with what we are doing and has helped to raise awareness of the key skills needed in reading.
We encourage reading for pleasure on a daily basis and have created a cosy reading area, in which the children love to explore new books and settle down to read.
National Maritime Museum
Ladoca Class visited the Maritime Museum to complete the Vikings workshop.
We had a fantastic day finding out about where they came from, where they went and what they did when they got there.
We played a trading game, where we had to be either Vikings or people from the Middle East. We had to look at our goods and decide what we wanted from the other side and what we would be willing to trade. Some people got a better deal than others!
We then thought about Viking ships and how they were able to move in the water. We were able to have a go on the boats and compare these with the Viking Longships.
Our final task was to make our own Viking coin. We looked at the die of the coin, which had the symbol of King Eric (Eric Rex). We then had to place the small coin on the top and another die on the top. We hit it hard with a hammer and it left an imprint in the coin. We got to keep them at the end of task.
After lunch we got to explore the rest of the museum and really enjoyed a lot of the displays and activities.